Thursday 20 November 2014

Tutorial Targets Review

1. Revise title. To what extent has the British Music Industry changed in recent years, focusing particularly on Radiohead and Hozier. GREEN

2. Rewrite proposal based on new title. GREEN

3. Identify a band/artist/album release as a case study. GREEN
- Well established
- Breakthrough/Underground

4. Analyse a music video in-depth from the well-established artist using MIGRAIN.
- Still a major marketing tool?
- Music videos in decline?
RED: Music video needs to be approved by Mr. Bush.

5. Pick a music video from the breakthrough artist and analyse using MIGRAIN for comparison and reference between the two.
RED: Music video needs to be approved by Mr. Bush

6. Articles: Guardian, Factor-Tech, Independent. AMBER

7. Academic links AMBER

Social: Less important for youth. Other entertainment.
Historical: Mid-late 20th century: Music decided peoples sub-culture.
Economical: Decline of industry? - piracy.
Political: Politicians - laws passed

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